Whispers from the Past: Piecing Together the Puzzle of Childhood Trauma

Childhood Trauma

Childhood is often considered a time of innocence and joy, a period where the world is perceived through the lens of wonder and curiosity. However, for some individuals, this idyllic image is shattered by the haunting echoes of childhood trauma. The impact of these early experiences can linger, casting a long shadow on mental and […]

Healing Anger: A Deep Dive into Brainspotting Therapy Techniques

Anger Management

Anger is a potent and frequently overpowering sentiment that has the potential to affect a multitude of facets of our existence. Although fury is an ordinary reaction to specific circumstances, prolonged or uncontrolled anger can result in substantial detrimental effects on our psychological and emotional welfare. In recent years, Brainspotting therapy has emerged as a […]

Understanding ADHD: Examining the Range of Symptoms in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental condition that impacts individuals across all age groups, impairing their capacity to concentrate, regulate their impulses, and oversee their energy levels. The objective of this article is to provide insight into the multidimensional nature of ADHD by examining the wide range of symptoms that are associated with this condition. Unraveling the […]

Anxiety Unveiled: Understanding the Roles of Music and Art Therapy in Tackling Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety Attacks

In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, anxiety has become a prevalent and often debilitating condition for many individuals. The persistent worry, fear, and restlessness that characterize anxiety can take a toll on mental health, affecting one’s overall well-being. While traditional talk therapy has proven to be beneficial, alternative therapeutic approaches such as music and art […]

Harmonizing Healing: Exploring the Power of Music & Art Therapy for Anxiety Relief

art and music therapy

In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, where stress and anxiety seem to have become unwelcome companions, the quest for effective and holistic methods of relief has never been more critical. Amidst the myriad of therapeutic approaches, two stand out for their unique ability to soothe the restless mind: music therapy and art […]

Winter Blues Chronicles: Navigating Seasonal Depression in the Heart of NYC

Seasonal Depression

Winter in New York City, with its chilly winds, frosty sidewalks, and early nightfall’s, creates a unique ambiance that can either be enchanting or emotionally challenging. For many, the arrival of winter brings more than just cold temperatures—it triggers a phenomenon known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), casting a shadow on the vibrant streets of […]

From Chaos to Calm: Exploring Breakthroughs in OCD Therapy

From Chaos to Calm

Living with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can often feel like navigating through a storm of intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors. However, amidst the chaos, there are breakthroughs in therapy that offer a path from turmoil to tranquility. In this article, we will delve into some of the innovative approaches and breakthroughs in OCD therapy that are […]

Living Beyond Panic: Building Resilience and Well-being After Panic Attacks

Panic Attacks

Panic attacks can be debilitating, leaving individuals with a sense of fear and uncertainty. However, the journey doesn’t end with the panic attack itself. In fact, it’s just the beginning of a path toward building resilience and reclaiming a life of well-being. In this article, we’ll explore practical steps and strategies for living beyond panic, […]

Navigating the Depths of Personal Trauma: Understanding its Unique Impact on Mental Health

depressed woman personal trauma

Life often throws unexpected challenges our way, leaving an indelible mark on our emotional and psychological well-being. Traditionally, trauma has been defined as an emotional response to a “terrible” experience, encompassing incidents like violence, assault, or natural disasters. However, the intricate web of human emotions reveals that trauma is profoundly personal, influenced by factors that […]

Unleashing Productivity with Mindful Efficiency: A Workshop by Artem Zen at Resilient Mind


In a fast-paced world where demands seem endless, the pursuit of productivity has become a common goal for individuals seeking to make the most of their time. Resilient Mind Psychotherapy recognizes the significance of a balanced approach to productivity, merging psychological well-being with efficient task management. This article explores the essence of productivity, delves into […]